Monday, April 29, 2013

064: Don't call it a comeback.

So. I've decided I need to get back to doing this every day, among other things. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start 9 months ago, back at my last blog.

Around that time I met my boyfriend, and things have been amazing. My work life has been pretty fulfilling, I've been gigging fairly regularly, and I've been dating the same guy ever since. I couldn't be happier. So obviously, cue the weight gain!

There's a lot of factors that led me here. I cut my hours at my second job when I started dating someone, so I couldn't afford herbalife anymore. I have since found that that was a blessing in disguise, as my body still doesnt really digest things normally anymore. Also, I did a lot more research into herbalife and found out that it had been linked to so many health problems. I guess all that easy weight loss came with a price that I don't think I will ever pay again.

Then there was the holidays. And we all know holiday weight gain is a thing. I researched this. Various media sources have put the average at 5 pounds during november and december, with many citing that a lot of people gain 7-10 pounds during the holidays.

I gained 12.

So in January, I said I was going to get back on track. But I didn't, really. It didn't last, for a myriad of reasons. The first being that I didn't have this blog to hold me accountable every day. The second was that it is REALLY hard to get up and go to the gym, especially on the weekends, when you've got someone to snuggle with instead. Relationship weight is a THING. Especially in a happy relationship. When you go out, you eat. And when the other person eats what they want, it seems more acceptable to order what you want. Suddenly you've got this person who loves you just the way you are, which makes it really hard to motivate yourself to change at all. It's a good feeling, a really good feeling, but then you turn around and you're 24 pounds heavier than you were in September, and you're back to hating the way clothes fit and the way you look in pictures (eek!).

But worse than that, I FEEL like crap. I am sluggish, I have no energy, my stomach is constantly turning. I'm winded where I wasn't winded before- I mean, it's nothing like it was last March when I started herbalife. I can climb a hill or a flight of stairs without feeling like I might die. But it's a slippery slope, and I know if I don't do something, that is where I am headed again.

And I'm not EVER going back there again.

So I'm back to blogging, back to the gym, back to eating healthy. My parents and a few friends have had a LOT of success with weightwatchers, but I really don't think that will work for me. Too many choices. And when I am faced with a choice, I tend to make the wrong one? I mean, really, between salad and pizza, who really WANTS to choose salad? All those skinny bitches are just choosing it to be snooty. I'm set with that.

I'm doing slimfast shakes. A shake diet just really works better for me because of my busy lifestyle. If I have stuff to make shakes in my car all the time, I really don't have an excuse to eat something else. 6 days a week, this is  just what I'm going to do. It's super regimented, and will not last forever, but it will work for now. In the meantime, I'm also giving up drinking alcohol (helloooooo delicious cidery liquid calories), and we (my boyfriend and I) are going to start cooking more at home, and eating healthier. Because  if there's one thing I'm really sure of, it's that when you're dating someone, you need to be on the same page. And he's at a point where he wants to get in better shape too, so it should be easier for us to support each other, right?

Diet Day One: Going to the Carnival wasn't a smart idea.
 So I started yesterday. Yesterday was the first day of back to basics. And I did pretty well. There are a lot of manageable, easy things that help this transition. I drank way more than the recommended 8 8oz glasses of water, which kept me from feeling hungry all day. I stuck to the 3-2-1 plan pretty solidly too. the 3-2-1 is: three snacks, 2 shakes, 1 meal. More on that later. But yeah I didn't feel hungry all day. I did have a del's though. And a couple of bites of my boyfriend's doughboy at the carnival. Really, going to the carnival on day one of a diet may be the stupidest thing I have ever done. Any place that serves deep fried oreos probably isn't known for its healthy snack choices. 

Back to the Gym, Day One: Feel the burn!
Also, I went back to the gym yesterday. I did 40 minutes of cardio on the eliptical, and then 240 reps of leg excercises, 250 crunches, and 60 reps of arm excercises with weights. My friend Ian is actually a certified personal trainer, and he suggests that for toning/weight loss you need less weight, more reps. He recommends at LEAST once circuit of 12 reps of 10. That said, even when I worked out EVERY DAY I couldn't do 12 reps of 10 on my arms. I'm just kind of a weakling. But you do what you can, and really I managed to stick to my old routine pretty closely, with the exception of cutting 5 minutes off the end of my cardio. TIP: You really need to do at least 45 minutes of cardio focused on keeping your heart rate up for it to be beneficial. Then your body continues to burn at a higher rate for the rest of the day. So I was close. Today I will do it. End Result: I felt a little like death, but I hit the sauna afterwards and did some stretching in the heat, which really helps keep my muscles from completely freezing up and hurting. I am definitely going to be able to hit the gym again today. My friends who go to the gym: What do you do at the gym? How often do you go? I'm looking to change up my old routine. Also, I have unlimited free guest passes at my  gym if you want to work out, let me know! This sort of thing is always better with friends! 

The biggest challenge I'm facing is that my schedule is much more erratic than it was last year. There's something to be said for starting a diet and excercise regimen when you are single and hating your life. You can really just focus on work and working out and nothing else. Now my work schedule is all over the place so I can't necessarily always work out during the day, and I don't want to work out during too many nights, since I've got something worth going home to now. I do want to try to go to the gym at LEAST 5 days a week though, maybe 6. When do you work out? Morning? Night? 

So, to recap:
Day one 
Breakfast: Shake (10:30am)
Snack 1: Orange (11am)
Snack 2: Granola Bar (after the gym at 1:30pm)
Lunch: Grilled chicken and spinach, no dressing (2:45pm)
Del's Lemonade (4pm)
Dinner: Shake (5:15pm)
Snack 3: 3cups of smartpopcorn (5:30pm)

Plus: a daily multivitamin, a B12 supplement, and a shit ton of water. Approximately a shit ton.

Plus 2 hours at the gym. BOOM.

Now the real test will be if I post tomorrow. Let's all keep our collective fingers crossed, mmmkay?



  1. Hey jen! love the blog and glad you are back! you can do it! i will write offline about scheduling as i feel some similar struggles. Do any protien bars fit yoir diet? I like clif builders bars and there are other varieties and bars too. a whole meal amd focsued on protein.

    1. The shakes that I'm doing have protein in them.My one meal a day will also be high protein, and I try to fit in one high protein snack a day, so maybe I will check out the protein bars. I've heard clif bars are good. And scheduling is a HUGE problem. Being a grownup is hard. ;)

    2. I eat the mint bars - sooo good!!!! I also live on carnation shales alot - more for time than for weight.

  2. Welcome back to blogging.

    Good luck with everything! For the gym, think about adding the couch to 5K running program to your cardio routine... a bunch of us are running in the Color Me Rad 5K at the end of September:,_RI

    If you (and any of your friends) want to join us, our team name is "Put A Bird on It", and I am the team captain if it asks you. (You don't have to run the whole thing either, Chrystee already said she isn't.)

    1. is that the one where you end up all multicolored? If so, I am IN.

    2. I enjoyed the 5K i just ran and HIGHLY recommend running as a team......makes it SOO much more worth it and great to have someone waiting for you at the end!!
