Hey! So, yesterday was day two, and it was a really big test as to whether or not I can actually make this work. Yesterday my day started when my alarm went off at 5:45am. From that time until 8:30, when I returned to my boyfriend's house, I did not stop moving. I worked 3 different shifts at 2 different jobs, and in my free time (meaning the hour I had to myself between job 2 and second shift of job 1) I had to run a bunch of errands. Normally this would mean one thing: Next stop, drive thru city! But I made a point to plan out my meals (like I did today), and actually stuck to my plan, which was awesome. And I already am finding I am less tired, and have more energy when I'm eating better.
I even went to the gym after my 12 hour day, which I am especially proud of. Granted, I did a shorter, modified version of my full workout routine, but it was still totally worth it. Better than nothing, right? Usually I do the elliptical, but last night i did the treadmill. I haven't done the treadmill in a while, and using it raised some questions. More specifically, HOW THE HELL DO YOU RUN ON A TREADMILL? I see girls/guys doing this all the time, and I want to scream this question at them. I can walk pretty fast on the treadmill, and it''s comfortable. I want to add more speed, but I can't seem to get used to the rhythm of running on a treadmill. I always get this terrifying feeling that I am one misstep away from being on America's Funniest HomeVideos. Seriously. And yet, the girl next to me was happily jogging away like it was nothing. I want to jog! Maybe I will just stick to the elliptical. I can go as fast as I want that way.
So after the gym (and showering at the gym, which I've never done but managed to get ready in half the time it takes me at home), I went to my boyfriend's house, where he had decided to cook dinner. Because he is awesome.
Now those of you who actually know me will know that I am VERY picky. I stick to a handful of things and really don't eat anything beyond that. I know what I like, and I don't see the point of changing it.This can be tough, since pretty much all the things I like aren't all that healthy, so when I am trying to make healthy lifestyle changes, my choices are pretty limited. And one can only eat so many baby carrots and pieces of grilled chicken with spinach.
I always figured I didn't really like fish because it smelled so.... fishy. Why anyone would put canned tuna fish in their mouth when it smells the way it does still kind of baffles me. But my boyfriend is pretty persistent, so I figured I would finally try some fish that he was cooking. I was feeling good, and adventurous, and figured why not? Last night he made Ahi Tuna Steaks seasoned with lemon pepper. And they were awesome. I was fully prepared to NOT like them, but it was delicious, and not fishy at all. I could eat that on a regular basis, which is great, since the department of health recommends integrating fish twice a week as part of a healthy diet. Apparently fish is full of all kinds of healthy things that your body needs. Who knew! I may even try other fishes or fish recipes that don't taste too fishy. Any suggestions?
So now Ive made it through 2 days. My muscles hurt, but aside from that I'm feeling REALLY good.
Week 1- Day 2
Breakfast- protein shake (6:30am)
Snack- 20 unsalted almonds (9:30am)
Snack 2- Banana (12:30pm)
Lunch- Protein Shake (1:30pm)
Snack 3- 3 cups smartpop (4pm)
Dinner- Ahi tuna steak and green beans
Plus- 3 Liters of water, multivitamin, and b12 supplement
Gym: 35 minutes on treadmill, 10 reps of 10 crunches
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