Monday, April 9, 2012

021: Happy Easter

So, I skipped a day. However, that puts me back on track, since I did two posts on Friday. So there.

I hope everyone who celebrated Easter or Passover had a great holiday weekend. I sure did. I love spending time with my family. And for the most part they are really supportive of this adventure that I am on. They are even starting to notice my weight loss. And for the few negative nancies that I am related to, fuck em. Haters gonna hate. A large part of my extended family is morbidly obese, so I guess they can't really see why I would want to change. They don't see anything wrong with knee problems, type two diabetes, and heart disease. So whatever.

I didn't go to the gym yesterday, and I had a slight cheating moment, but whatever. It was easter. Today it's back to the grind-literally. Hitting the zumba class and then hopefully (if I don't feel like death) doing another littler version of my regular workout.

Big things coming up this week. I am getting my maid of honor dress fitted/altered this week. I pretty much can't wait, since when I told the seamstress I wanted to get a smaller size because I was going to lose weight she sort of shot me a withering look and said "well, it's easier to take it in than take it out, so lets go with this size". Take THAT seamstress lady. Right between the eyes.

Also, the time has come to buy new herbalife. This means I am just about done with the month, which is crazy. It feels like it has flown by. I really feel (and I know that I've said this before and I hope this doesn't jinx me) that I am falling into a really good rhythm. I can't wait to see where I am at the end of the next month.

So. Also this week (and I apologize to my 1 or 2 male readers here), I am due to get, as my immature hipster roommate calls it, my "monthly gift". Proof that if there is a God, he is a dude. A dude who hates women. And Honestly I don't understand the point. As someone who never plans on having kids, I feel like it should be my option to remove whatever organs cause this to happen, permanently. Because normally, around this time tomorrow, I will be doubled over with some of the worst cramps ever. Seriously. Every woman in my family gets them. I feel it from my toes to the ends of my hair. It's unpleasant, to say the least.

However, with the crazy amount that I have been working out/dieting and whatnot this month, I am curious to see if that urban myth about excercise reducing cramp pain might be true. I feel like I've earned a month free of bloating and fatigue and tummy pain,d on't you?

Also this week, I'm going to try to force myself to eat one new food a day. Yesterday I tried tomatoes (again) and discovered that I don't like them (again). They say that you have to try something seven times before you can be sure if you like them or not, so maybe it's time to give all that healthy food I hated as a kid a second try. You never know.

1 comment:

  1. I think that less weigh will mean better "monthly gifts" but I can't back it up with evidence :)
