Thursday, April 5, 2012

017: Buying a belt, and other things.

Hey there folks!

So, I picked up some new herbalife formula one yesterday. Cookies n cream. I have to admit, it's pretty tasty. I am looking forward to blending it with some chocolate protein today and seeing how that works.

Also, since Sunday is easter, I have to weigh in on Saturday. Which, I will admit, I am a little upset about. That gives me one less day to work out and bring my weight/inches down before I have to weigh and measure. However, that does mean I can indulge in a little saturday night fellini's run. Their pizza is my favorite, and their crust is whole wheat so it's not even really all that bad.

My clothes are starting to not fit me anymore. I'm pretty excited about that. I am going to go try on some clothes and see if I fit into a smaller pants size this weekend. I have a feeling that I am in between sizes right now, so I might just need to buy some belts.

Its funny- I wonder how much weight/inches a person has to lose (or gain, for that matter) to change clothing sizes. There has to be some sort of universal measurement for stuff like that.

Yesterday was a big test for me. It was the end of the month "homework party" at work. What that means is that kids who have done their homework every day or done some sort of education enrichment or free reading every day get to come into my office and have a special snack and watch a movie. Yesterday was The muppets (which I absolutely effing love. And saw twice in the theater) and build your own ice cream sundaes.

I am proud to admit that in a sea of chocolate strawberry and whipped cream, I didn't have a bite. And really, I didn't even want to that badly. It was a pretty good feeling. I am starting to feel way more in control of my cravings, which is great, because that makes me feel like I am in control of my body, you know? For a long time my eating habits were absolutely out of control, and I didn't even realize it. It became pretty clear to me when I was talking to my friend Nick about it over tea yesterday.

I mentioned that I had been getting fast food twice a day. His eyes bugged out and he gasped at me "twice a day?!"

Yeah. I dunno, I think subconsciously I knew it was wrong, since I went to pretty great lengths to hide just how bad my eating habits were from the world. I would purposely drive out of the way to fast food places where I hadn't been in a while so that even the drive through workers wouldn't notice how often I had been there. It's kind of insane, I know. But the whole thing was kind of insane. It feels good to feel like I am done with that chapter of my life.

Anyway- for those of you keeping score, my meals have all been kind of teh same since cheat day. Two shakes, a bowl of cereal, some fruit and some unsalted almonds. Some people don't like a really mundane eating routine, but I kind of do. Plus, it makes meal planning easier. So whatever.


  1. So proud of you, Jenny! You are a superstar!

  2. In college, started at 275, down to ... 240? or so before I fit completely comfortably into 22's and into xxl stuff @ the Old Navy Store.
    This time...I started at 275 with 24w snug pants and got to 265 before stuff started to get loose. 260, stuff is falling off my ass and I want all new jeans. My husband has promised me new clothing at I really need to hit the gym up b/c losing weight through food alone is a hell of a lot slower than adding in that working out!
