Wednesday, April 25, 2012

033: Chubby girls! at the disco

So this week has thus far been uneventful in the world of my weight loss. I need to excercise more, and Im doing 2 workouts tomorrow for sure. I need to stick more rigidly to my diet, particularly portion sizes, but ever since my sister's bachelorette party weekend and my disappointing weigh in, I am discouraged and drained. I need something to reinvigorate me, energize me. But I don't know what that thing is.

Anyway, I said I would post about my opinions about the club/bar/dance party scene, and here we go. I got to thinking about this during the weekend, when my sister and her friends and myself went bar hopping for her bachelorette party. I got to thinking about how much I hate going to clubs and bars. I feel like a lot of heavier girls feel this way, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Other than shopping, going to bars with my skinny friends is my least favorite thing to do with them. Why? Because of the whole being invisible to dudes thing. And I know everyone says "Oh I'm just here to dance", and to a certain extent I suppose you are, but at the same time, that attention is nice every once in a while. And anyone who says otherwise is in denial.

The thing is, even if you genuinely are "just there to dance", it can be really exasperating to be trying to have fun with your friends and constantly running interference and telling skeevy guys to kick rocks and stop trying to dance with your attractive friends. Especially when it brings into harsh focus the fact that nobody is trying to dance up on you.

I used to pretend I liekd to go out to these sort of venues. But mostly I'd hang back and drink copiously. I think that's also why I like gay bars. Gay guys, I've found, are less descriminating of your waist size, especially if you have a nice rack that they can motorboat. No trouble finding a dance partner there.

I guess what it comes down to is it's just another place where the thin and confident reign. One more place where it's tough to be so painfully self aware of your undesirable differences. One more place we are not welcome.

I've really got to get to the gym tomorrow.


  1. Good luck at the gym!

    I agree that I used to like to go dancing a lot when I lived in DC. But only to the gay clubs.

    1. True that. Gay bars are the best. Although I am looking forward to enjoying myself at regular bars and clubs.
