Monday, April 16, 2012

028: Not as hard as it looked?

Did you think I forgot to post?
Never! My schedule is, as I've said before, just a little wacko this week.

However, day one is done, I'm showered, I've got a salad, and in approximately 18 minutes I will get to enjoy How I Met Your Mother which is something I usually have to hulu because I miss it working til 9, and you know what?

It wasn't that bad.

Before you ask, I didn't go to the gym today. However, I did spend an hour walking to and from Cold spring park with the kids from my daycare, and spent my time there running around and playing catch. My legs hurt, so I must have gotten a great workout!

And I think that sticking to my diet will be a lot easier this week, since i ate a burger and fries and a slice of birthday cake at my dad's birthday party last night. I didn't even finish HALF of my dinner, and had like 3 bites of dessert. (which, a month ago, would have been super weird) and was violently ill. I haven't really eaten like that to that extent all month. My body reacted angrily, and I still feel a bit sickish. It's like my stomach is shrinking. And becoming more intolerant of crap food. What's more, I'm actually craving the healthy stuff. Whoda thunk? Today I came home jonesing for a nice... salad?

Who craves salad?
Am I losing my mind?

If I am, I kind of like it.

Hopefully the rest of this week will be this effortless. I have a feeling it won't be, but a girl can dream, right?

And for those of you keeping track:

Week 5: 237lbs
Breakfast: Oreo herbalife shake w/chocolate protein
Lunch: oreo herbalife shake
Dinner: garden salad and 150 calorie pizza
Snack one: 1 granola square and 1 plum
Snack 2: 1 peach, and 1 rice cake

And 3 multivitamins, 2 cell activators, and 6 8oz glasses of water


  1. David loves how i met your mother and he's got me watching it too......

    Your stomach does get smaller. sometimes I crave a salad too, but never have the ingredients....

    Keep up the goood work!!

  2. I hear ya on how your body get pissed at you for eating like crap. I had chowder and clam cakes and few weeks ago (which weren't even that good) and I felt crappy the rest of the day. It's both bad and good at the same time. hah

    1. I think it's great. Eventually classical conditioning says that I will come to associate unhealthy food with feeling sick, and maybe that will finally break me of my bad habits, you know?

  3. Keep up the great work! It's not easy, but well worth the effort. We are trying to get healthy following weight watchers.

    1. My mom did weight watchers before and got in REALLY great shape. You're right, it's hard work, but the payoff is fantastic.

  4. Jen, just wanted to let you know that you rock. You are putting this roller derby girl to shame. Maybe one day I will have time for cello lessons and we can rock out together. Keep being awesome. :)

    1. Awww, well thanks! YOU rock! You're already in great fighting shape, though. I'm sure it takes a lot of stamina to do what you do in the derby!

      Please learn cello, it would be great to have you to jam with!

    2. That it does, which is why I will be doing lots of cardio and muscle endurance starting this month. I'd like to be a jammer (point scorer) and not die after being pummeled.

      Will do, can we add a few more hours to the day? :)

    3. I know what a jammer is! Whip it is one of my favorite movies. :)

  5. Yay for getting in workouts without the gym AND WANTING to eat healthy! You go girl!

    1. I have to admit I was pretty proud of myself yesterday. Are you doing knitting at the AS220 tonight? I'd like to come by for a bit!

  6. I totally feel you on eating less healthy food and feeling ill afterwards. I may be in the minority on this, but I love a good salad!

    1. Says the boy who just made an italian heart attack special the other day. ;)

      I always thought anyone who said they craved salad was a liar, but you know what, after yesterday, I believe you!

  7. Hey Jenny, what do the pounds symbolize? Last post I think it said it says 237. Maybe I'm having a

    1. Yeah, that was a typo. I think I went back and fixed all of them just now (since you are not the first person to mention that my weight keeps fluxuating by like 100 lbs per entry lol)

    2. lol no biggie, what's 100 lbs here or there?

  8. That's what feed your body what it needs and it just wants more!! Tell ur Dad I say happy birthday! ---Marie
