Monday, April 30, 2012

035: Gym Tan Laundry (in which our heroine turns into a guidette)

So first of all, I suppose I need to eat a little humble pie for my last entry. The truth is, not every day is going to be sunshine and roses, skipping merrily to my workouts and grinning at the delicious bowl of baby spinach and cucumber slices I call "lunch". I'm going to have days like Saturday. But I push through them.

Sunday I picked up my sister, Pegga, early and we went to the gym. I was determined to get in one more workout before my weigh in. I overslept, so I had to cut everything in half essentially, but I did my best in the situation. Then I went tanning for a little while. I only tan for 2 minutes, and I put some sunscreen on my face, because I am maybe the whitest white girl you will ever meet. I mean, my last NAME is white, for gosh sakes. Still, I wanted to get a little color before my sister's wedding. Everyone in the bridal party is like a size 2 and has a natrually tan complexion. I didn't want to stand out as the chubby albino chick in the wdding party, you know?

On my way back from my weigh in, Ia lso picked up my laundry. This makes me giggle a little since, like my rhode island neighbor pauly d, I am now GTLing on the regular. I think I might work on my poof and get some breast implants and try out for the next season on the jersey shore. Snookies pregnant, so they must need a replacement, right?

Oh, and I lost 5 lbs. So I'm at just under 30. So there's that. Josh (my coach) was really happy. He also said that a lot of his clients have been reading my blog and like it. So, hello to Josh's neighbors/herbalife clients! I hope I get to meet all of you at the next weigh in!

Anyway. Last night, I went to a place where I hang out a lot. Or where I used to hang out before I started hiding from all sorts of social situations that involved eating or drinking (and trust me, there are a lot). I am pretty proud of the fact that I drank water all night. Water and green tea. I was also pretty happy that people are starting to take notice of the changes I'm making in my body. Yesterday was affirming that all of this hard work is not for nothing.

This morning, I am meeting with the woman who is altering my dress, again. Having lost another 5 lbs and 2.5 inches off my body, I'm sure she's going to be pissed.

I cannot effing wait.


  1. I love that you are GTL'ing on the regular!!
    Seriously, keep up the good work!

    And also, have so much fun sticking it to the seamstress! :)

    1. I seriously enjoyed the seamstress (see my nexxt post)

      And yeah. GTLing is not as fun as they make it look onn jersey shore. My skin is super dried out, I'm not even that tan, and I hate laundry.
