Saturday, March 24, 2012

005: 4.5 down, 115.5 to go.

Fuck A right, you read that title correctly.

I weighed myself at the gym yesterday morning, and I lost 4.5 pounds in 4 days. Yay results! I'm pretty big on instant gratification. If I don't like a book by the first chapter, I don't read it. If I don't see results in the first week of trying a diet/weight loss plan, I usually give up. In fact, that's what I've always done. But this is incredible. And the support system with herbalife is great. Josh (my coach) has been calling me to see how I've been doing, encouraging me, supporting me when I bitch and mown about how hungry I am.

Oh, and also, yesterday I didn't find myself feeling as hungry or craving food as badly. And my energy is still way up, and my workouts are still 110 percent better. I can push myself harder without feeling like I'm dying. I'm pretty pumped.

I wanted to talk today about working out. Cardio cardio cardio. My workouts tend to be 70 percent cardio and 30 percent resitstance/weights/toning. I hated it for the first couple of days (because let's be honest, it really sucks at first) but once my body stopped hurting I started to really look forward to my workouts. I used to work out while watching tv, but this week I tried working out to music and I love it WAY more. I find that super uptempo girl pop (Pink, Kelly Clarkson, Katy Perry) or 90's alt rock tend to work best for getting me in the mood to do some serious sweating. What about you? What do you do for excercise, and, more importantly, what's the soundtrack?

Sorry this is a short entry, I've got a lot to do today. Keeping busy has proven to be pretty integral in me not cheating on this.

Week 1: 155.5
Breakfast: herbalife shake w/protein powder in skim milk. green tea.
Lunch: 1 cup cheerios, 1 cup skim milk. green tea.
Snack 1: 20 unsalted almonds
Snack 2: 1/2 cup blueberries
Dinner: Herbalife shake w/protein powder in ice/water. ( perfected the smoothie!)

Also: 8 80z. glasses of water, 3 multivitamins, 1 b12 supplement, 2 cell activators

Excercise: 75 minutes (45 cardio/30 weights/resistance/abs)
30 minute evening walk with my client


  1. Congrats and keep up the good work!!!!

  2. Look up Super Mash Bros. Amazing upbeat workout music!
    Love ya!

  3. great job! I'm glad that your cravings are lessening. If you push through them, it gets soooo much easier!
