Thursday, March 22, 2012

003: like chewing on wood chips.

Well, I know I said the first day was probably the toughest. But I was wrong. Yesterday was pretty tough too. I get so hungry in the night time, which is typically when I would have hit up a drive through or made a big snack. And I just miss food. I've never been a big sweets eater, I have always prefered salty foods, and I pretty much can't eat any of that now.

Like pizza. Yesterday they had a meeting at work and they ordered pizza. Salty, greasy, mouth watery pizza. I am proud to say I didn't have any but oh did my stomach growl at me as I drank my herbalife shake.

Also, I feel the need to say that eating unsalted almonds, while they are currently my favorite thing that I am eating, are a little like chewing on wood chips. Blah.

One thing though, I have a LOT more energy already. I went to the gym and did a really high intensity workout for like an hour. Usually that would make me feel like crap, but it was actually really refreshing! And I didn't even need a nap afterwards, which I usually do. Between not needing a nap, and quitting facebook, I actually had a lot of time to do a lot of fun things yesterday. I painted my nails, I did some reading, I organized my closet. It was a great day.

You know, aside from being starving.

It's important to focus on the positive though. My friends Jeff and Shayna are big believers in The Secret, and the power of positive thinking, and I'm slowly coming around to that too. I'm thankful for all the good things that happened yesterday. I need to do that more. To focus on the good things, and forget about the bad.

On an unrelated note, after I finish this blog, my friend Joe and I are driving to Boston so I can meet with the head of a recording studio to talk about producing an album. I'm always nervous about stuff like this, and usually I don't go for it. However it's not because of my musical abilities that I'm nervous.

It's because the music industry really doesn't favor fat white girls.

You can be heavier if you're from a different race. You can be heavier if you're a guy. But unless you're Adele (who is an awesome role model for plus size women, but let's not kid ourselves, she's a rarity) you pretty much can't be a white female singer and be bigger than a size 6. It just doesn't happen.

Which is tough, because I get so much anxiety about my size that it holds me back from doing a lot of things. I don't audition for the voice, or american idol, or x-factor, because I don't want people telling me I'm talented but just don't have "the right look" (translation: better luck next time, fatty mcbutterpants). I know I don't have the right look. I'm working on it. But for now how about you just listen to my voice, and my lyrics. Close your eyes if you have to, I don't care.

Anyway. I am swallowing all that down today though, because I really don't have anything to lose. The worst thing this guy can say is no, and if he does, I'll be okay. Because someone else down the line is going to say yes. (That's the power of positive thinking right there.)

One last note: Thanks to everyone for reading, posting, emailing, calling, and texting about this blog. It's nice to know people are out there reading, and it's even better to know that people are responding. I know this is something everyone goes through, and I'm so happy to hear stories from other people who are struggling, or who have come out on the other side, triumphant. This is already turning into a really great decision.

And for those of you keeping score at home:

Week 1: 158.5 (I weighed myself at the gym)

Breakfast: Aloe shot, formula one breakfast shake with protein powder, 8oz. skim milk, raspberry green tea, multivitamin, cell activator

Lunch: 1cup cheerios, 1 cup skim milk, 1 cup raspberries, multivitamin, raspberry green tea

Snack: 20 unsalted almonds, 1 cup blueberries

Dinner: Formula one shake, protein powder, 80z water, multivitamin, cell activator

Also: 9 80z. glasses of water

Excercise: 45 min cardio (elliptical, HR=160)
15 min. ab work out
30 min. weights/resistance training
30 min. walk with my client in the evening



  1. Awesome, I'm proud of you Jen!! Keep up the good work! eventually, your body will adjust to the starving feeling and you won't feel it anymore, so much.

  2. I'm a little concerned about how hungry you are. Aren't you allowed to snack on fresh veggies? I assume the cherrios are for roughage, but man this diet would kill my stomach. Keep up the good work though, and the fabulous self control!

  3. Just revisiting to say...
    Have been eating almonds as a snack.

    Like chewing on woodchips.

    Strangely, they still taste good.
