Saturday, March 31, 2012

012: People at the gym make me laugh.

Not much to report today. Went to the gym before work. I have actually re-arranged my saturday work schedule so I can go to the gym in the morning, since I have found that if I go in the afternoon I am pretty much useless.

People at the gym make me laugh. There's the old ladies walking .2 miles and using 2.5 pound weights to get lean and mean. They're cute.

Today I was on the elliptical between a guy in his 20s who was pedalling as fast as his little chicken legs could carry him, all the while with a super serious expression on his face. The girl on the other side of me was listening to the katy perry album and singing along really loudly while air punching/fist pumping along to the music. She was also tone deaf.

But my favorite people to watch and laugh at at the gym are the, as my friend Shayna calls them "skinnyfat". These are the guys and girls who I could watch for my entire workout and they never actually touch a weight, machine, or do any type of excercising at all. They are probably really out of shape, but the point is that they look hot. So what do these people do at the gym, you ask? Simple. They carry water bottles and walk around in their spandex outfits talking to other skinnyfats. It's a bizarre social/mating ritual that I don't get. But it's pretty amusing. Today a guy in front of my eliptical was "spotting" his friend who was actually lifting weights. Spotting, for him, meant standing around texting, and occasionally looking around at the ladies who were passing by and flexing his pecs.

That's right. Flexing his pecs. I kid you not.

Why go to the gym if you're not going to work out? I hate the gym. I have to force myself to go there 60 percent of the time. I get sweaty and disgusting and hurt for hours afterwards sometimes. Why would ANYONE think that is an ideal place to meet people? I mostly keep my head down and hope nobody notices me melting away in the corner. Oh skinnyfats. You amuse me to no end.

I won a free personal traning session at my gym. So on monday I'm going to spend an hour being pushed to my limits by a guido juicehead jersey shore reject (that is seriously what all of the trainers at my gym look like). I will undoubtedly sweat, cry, and most likely puke a couple of times. But yeah. It should be a fantastically humbling and frustrating experience. I know. You can't wait to read all about it. ;)

But all in all I am still doing really well. Trying to ride this momentum. Weigh in tomorrow. Moment of truth.


  1. Skinnyfats? I dont get it. They aren't actually skinny, and they aren't actually working out? Hmmm....

    keep up the good work. the personal training lesson should at least give you pointers, if nothing else

  2. They're skinny and have the appearance of being in shape, but actually probably get winded climbing a flight of stairs because they never actually excercies.

  3. Girl, you will NEVER be skinnyfat (because you'd NEVER be a POSER) BUT when you are all skinny and fit, and still hating the gym, but dragging your ass there so you can stay skinny and fit...
    MAYBE you will find it an acceptable place to meet people with a similar mentality.

    Sorry your gym is full of posers, but YOU are awesome. Keep it up!!!

  4. They should totally make a sitcom like The Office but all about the gym....
