Tuesday, March 27, 2012

008: Adele is not plus size.

Hey folks. So thinks are pretty much starting to get to be status quo here. I work. I work out. I drink shakes instead of eating food. Rinse and repeat.

It's been tough not being on facebook and staying away from social situations as of late. I've definitely been keeping busy, and I've gotten a lot of awesome things done that I wouldn't have gotten done otherwise. I've been reading a lot. I'm pretty close to finishing the scarf that I was supposed to be making for my roommate as a Christmas present. But it's hard. I feel kind of disconnected.

Did you know, in this day and age, that when people were forced to give up all forms of technology and social media (right down to their phones and tvs) they experienced physical and mental withdrawl symptoms? That's right. You can actually be addicted to technology.

And I mean I just gave up facebook. My smart phone is still pretty much glued to my hand, and I watch tv and movies daily. More movies than tv though. I'm not a big TV fan. You can only watch so many reality shows before they all bleed into one mind numbing mush inducing blob.

So anyway. Yesterday I was reading about Adele online, and I found out she is only a size 12! A size 12! Maybe that's plus size by hollywood standards, but it isn't by normal people standards. A size 12 is like... average. And she has just recently hired a personal trainer to lose weight. What the hell. Way to change yourself and stop being a plus size role model to women everywhere. Just like Jennifer Hudson.

I don't blame them though. It just goes to show you how much pressure there is on women to be a certain size. It doesn't matter if you can sing circles around the competition. What's your dress size, that's what matters. That's what's wrong with the music business. That's why people like Ke$ha are famous.

I would love to be a size 12. When I'm a size 12, I know I'm going to want to be smaller, but right now I just want to shake adele and say "What is wrong with you!!!!" You are effing GORGEOUS and even if you looked like hatchetface, your voice is what sells your records. You don't have to kill yourself trying to change, you know?

Anyway. I should head out to the gym. I hope everyone out there in cyberland and the real world and facebook are having a great week!

And I'm not going to post what I ate yesterday, since it's pretty much exactly the same as the day before. Oh well.


  1. Missing technology will get easier too...I know I'm addicted too, but you'll be so proud of all things you are getting done. You're doing a great job :)

  2. She was told by Gucci (I think it was them) that she was too fat for them to design clothing for. fuckers. I think that she's actually lost some weight recently but yeah...size 12 isn't fat.
    I'm starting my own business with Slumber Parties, selling lotions, lingerie and bedroom accessories (just call me the dildo lady!) and as much as I'd like to give up facebook for a time, it's my main mode of communicating with people. I'm not sure how I could run my business and advertise etc without it. I do worry about how addicted I am though...
