Tuesday, May 1, 2012

036:Suntans, smiles, and the injustice of shrinking tits.

Well kids, tanning sucks. I am not that tan, and my skin is insanely dry. I feel like I might need to contact Pauly D directly and ask for advice.

Other than my skin hurting from being so dry, today was good. I got in a really good workout. I can really feel my arms, legs, and abs getting stronger. My lower abs continue to give me troubles, but I am meeting with a personal trainer to work on that specific area tomorrow, so that should be good. And by good I mean tears/vomit inducing. But still productive.

Then today, on my way out of my office at work, one of the women from the shelter, who I see from time to time coming to our food pantry, yelled out of her car window "Sugar, you look fabulous! What's your secret?"

I told her, and she was super congratulatory.  Granted this woman was probably drunk, high, or some combination of the two (she is the same woman who I once kicked out of the food pantry for being too drunk, and she kissed me on the mouth)  but it was still nice to hear that people are noticing.

Oh, and I'm sure many of you are curious to know about the dress fitting. My dress fits like a glove almost everywhere. The only place where it's a bit loose is the tits region. This is a problem since it's actually a strapless dress. But this was sort of to be expected, since I did lose 1.25 inches off my bust this week.

Can I just say that I think this is one of those incredibly unfair "fuck you's" from the universe? As heavy ladies go, there is not much we've all got going for us. The one thing we all seem to be endowed with is an ample rack. And then, we decide to tone up a little, and before all the areas we WANT to shrink get smaller, the one area we want to stay the same shrinks. Eff that. My whole family is an a/b cup and I've really enjoyed being the lone C cup. But it looks like washboard chestville is where I'm headed, and fast.

Anyway, this is a smidge disjointed tonight, since I'm rather sleepy, but I wanted to keep you all posted. Hopefully things will die down after this wedding and I can get back to a more well organized routine. For now though, I just want to say thanks to the people who are still reading along with me, and to the ladies I know out there who are working hard, keep up the good work! Especially Sarah of http://www.twenty40.wordpress.com and stacy of http://www.ohhellostacy.blogspot.com . You ladies inspire me!


  1. Jenn, buy a really great bra. Why else to all the "young ladies" in middle school and high school look so busty?

    1. I fully intend on it! That's on my to-do list for this week!

  2. The bra thing is totally right. Actually, look up the video Jenna Marbles made that teaches you how to make your boobs look fake huge. I did what she said and my boobs looked so good I scared myself into not doing it again. And you really do look fantastic. I am happy for you.

    1. I LOVE jenna marbles. And I am definitely going to check that video out. But I need my boobs to actuall be bigger to hold this dress up, not just look bigger.

    2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HErdtVkR3Nw This is the link.

  3. I specifically do not work out my upper body chest area, to try to and prevent that from happening!! But glad the dress fits well!!!

  4. Never thought about that but im already an A cup...id be screwed! Lol

    1. lol very good point. Well at least, if you get in shape, you won't have much to lose in that apartment, right? I mean, it's not possible to have negative boobs. that'd be weird.

  5. progress picture!
