Wednesday, May 2, 2012

037: Personal Trainers= sadists.

Well kids, today I met with my personal trainer.

I feel... well.... have any of you seen that episode of "How I Met Your Mother" where Barney Stinson runs in the New York Marathon without any preparation? I tried to find a clip of this on youtube, but could only find one dubbed in Italian or Spanish or something. Anyway. On a bet, Barney runs in the NYC marathon with no prep and actually finishes. Then later, he finds himself trapped on the subway when his legs don't work and he's sort of flailing around ridiculously trying to move his dead, tired legs. It's all very funny.

It's much less funny in real life however.

I can barely walk. I can barely move. I am currently writing this blog with a heating pad on my back hoping that this is gone in the morning, because I have shit to do. I legitimately contemplated crawling up the stairs to my apartment.  The only thing that stopped me was how disgusting and ghetto my apartment stairwell is. No telling what diseases I might catch from that shit.

Anyway, let me back up.

Today I finally got a chance to do a fitness assessment and 1/2 hour training session with a personal trainer at my gym. My trainer, Nick, looked visibly disappointed to see a fat person walking towards his desk this morning, but I think he truly perked up when I told him I go to the gym 5 days a week and have lost 30 lbs in 6 weeks. We talked a bit about my workout habits, my goals, and my diet, and then hit the gym.

Holy. Crap.

I know he meant well asking how I felt after every excercise, and how every excercise felt. But finally, I felt the need to tell him, when he asked how kettlebell lunges felt, "Hard! They are effing hard and they hurt!" Come on. As a trainer, you have to know that. He even went so far as to say that most people can't finish the first session, adn that he was really impressed that I could. And I mean, I did finish it. But I think my legs might actually shrivel up and break off, so I guess there was some compromises involved.

We did lunges and squats galore. We did a lot of ab work, including this one form of crunches where my legs are in teh air at a 90 degree angle and he puts weights on my calves before I do the crunches. I kid you not. Who the hell thought that was a good idea? What crazy sadistic asshole found himself thinking "let's stack weights on peoples shins and see if they can still do crunches. That would be a good idea."

People at the gym suck for thinking things like this. Personal trainers especially suck.

I really really hope I haven't seriously fucked up my back or legs. I need to keep working out to get in the best possible shape before this wedding that I'm going to be in on monday. That's when I will be taking pictures, for those of you who keep asking me when you'll get to see pictures. I still don't really see a huge difference, but people are starting to notice, so maybe you will too. I hope you will.  The camera does add 5 lbs, you know. My hopes are not super high. And again, thanks so much for continuing to read. The fact that anyone is reading this is seriously keeping me going and keeping me accountable on days when I want to quit. You guys rule.

Also, does anybody have any better remedies for pulled muscles in your back and legs than heat? I really want to get back out there tomorrow. And at the moment that does not seem like a possibility. Damn trainers.


  1. So I just wanted to let you know that I've started exercising and eating well again because of you. Thanks for being an inspiration!

    1. yay! I'm so happy for you Becky! If you ever want to work out together or experiment with healthy cooking/snacking with me, just let me know! Good for you!

  2. so Jenn...rule of thumb is that first 24 hours is ice, THEN heat. I go to kickboxing classes and hurt different parts of my body and the best remedy i've found is to ice that night. Heat can tighten everything up if you do it too soon. I know that working out can be tough, but its SOOOOO important. You're working on building lean muscle to replace the fat that you're loosing. You're building your metabolism and you're gonna be burning more calories while resting. You are going to be able to do things physically that you were never able to before...that you never thought possible. You'll look better too as you loose weight. You don't want to be all flabby and have loose skin. The weight lifting is so important for contouring your body. The more you do it, the easier it will get. I promise that it will become more rewarding over time and you will look back at these posts and not be able to believe that you felt this way :) Keep up all the hard work...You are doing AMAZING!!!

    1. Thanks Marie! That's EXACTLY why I want to do way more resistance training, so that my skin will stay tight with me as I lose weight. Plastic surgery is not an option.And you were right about the ice. It feels WAY better than heat. I am learning so much every day!

  3. Ibuprofen makes me happy. BTW This blog entry was awesome and I am sending it to my personal trainer mother and to my sister who just started the Insanity workout today.

    1. Ibuprofen makes me happy too, since without it I highly doubt I'd be able to work out today. Lol don't send it to your trainer, I donn't want to insult anyone!

  4. As a personal trainer, I can tell you that the workout you were given sounds completely inappropriate for someone who is not already in very good physical condition. Shame on him. The idea is that we are supposed to give a workout that challenges but allows for a feeling of well-being and satisfaction. Pain should never enter the scenario. I am sorry you had such an experience, and I do hope your back is okay. Abs shouldn't be worked with weights UNTIL the lower back is strengthened enough to tolerate it.

    1. Thanks so much for the input.Yeah, my back still hurts today but I am icing it and I'm going to take some ibuprofen before my workout today in hopes that I'll still be able to hit the gym. The guy was pretty young and did seem a little hesitant. I don't know that he's ever worked with someone in my kind of shape before. You're a trainer, eh? Where do you do personnal training?

    2. I second anonymous's comment!

    3. Thanks! I actually was just watching some videos on I would love to talk more with you about personal training!

  5. Take it from someone who REALLY knows - ice is better than heat. Ice and advil. Heat feels better at the time, but ice makes it feel better in the long run! YAY Sadistic Personal Trainer!

    1. lol I don't think he was intentionally sadistic, but he definitely was a feel the burn kinda guy. Anyway. Ice did feel better in the long run. And I'm off to buy some ibuprofen before I go back to teh gym.

  6. Congrats on sticking with your plan! 30lbs in 6 weeks is amazing!! It's really inspiring to read your stories. I just started my plan on Monday. The gym at my complex is pretty nice, and I'd like to meet some people there, so that will help. I'm proud of myself because yesterday I actually said no to a cupcake at a work birthday party. lol.

    Have you had any issues with friends NOT being supportive to you? My mom is extremely supportive of me, but I've told a few friends so far, and two of them were supportive at all. One of them kept on questioning me as to why I wanted to lose weight and what effect my weight has on my life, and another asked me out to lunch at the Olive Garden. I guess I just don't understand not supporting your friends in anything they want to do. It's not like losing weight could hurt me in any way as long as I'm being healthy about it. I know it couldn't hurt my back or knees. WTF?

    1. *two of them were NOT supportive at all

    2. I hear you! I didn't have any friends who were really unsupportive, my friends on the whole have been AMAZING. but I have some family members who were really negative about it and maybe even jealous? They made some not so great comments. But I have decided to drastically limit my contact with them. It's tough when it's familly. But if it was my friends, I would say (especially in the case of the person who kept questioning your decision) that you don't need friends like that. Friends by definition are suppposed to be supportive of you, and I feel like this struggle is hard enough without anyone bringing you down. You can find better people to have in your life, honestly. Hope this helps!

  7. It's great to see that you are still going strong. To help your back or anything sore I highly recommend some yoga stretches. Maybe go to a gentle yoga class to treat your body. Child's pose is one of my favorites after a particularly tortuous derby practice. You should have seen and felt what a boston speed skating coach put us through the other night. I've been exercising every day and decided I needed a break. My right knee was yelling at me and I listened. Don't twist your knee. It sucks. Derby is awesome though and It's serious motivation. Just saying ;)

    1. I am actually going to start working with a gentle yoga instructor, I think!

      See, that sounds horrible. This is why, no matter how much I love "Whip It" I would never make it as a derby girl. I commend you for it though, and would seriously LOVE to come see you in the derby sometime this season. Let me know!

    2. For a good yoga studio I recommend Eyes of the World Yoga in providence. They are really nice people. I used to go there when I lived in Providence.

      We aren't playing in RI this year but we are playing at the shoreline which is the Groton area. I forget when right now but if you are interested let me know. :)

  8. your trainer sounds like a douche. I've have a lot of personal trainers over the years b/c my back is seriously fucked up and the only one that ever made me do squats and put me in pain didn't know me, and I never returned to. It's irresponsible to put a new client in pain on the first day, knowing that they aren't prepared for stuff. It just pisses me off. I'm glad you're feeling better now.
