Monday, May 14, 2012

044: Hello, Plateau

Well folks, it's finally happened.

Today at my weigh and measure, I checked in with zero lost (and zero gained, to look on the bright side) and one measly inch off my body. Granted, that inch was on my lower abs, which is an area I've really been trying to target, but still. It's finally happened.

I have reached the first plateau.

Here's what's dangerous about plateaus- they should make me feel like pushing harder, digging deeper, and working more dilligently towards my goal. But folks, that has never been me.

The truth is, I was a straight B student who probably could have been a straight A student if I had EVER cracked a book. I give up on absolutely anything if it doesn't come quickly and effortlessly to me. That's why I never played sports. It wasn't something I had a natural talent for, so I just didn't care. Same thing with guitar. I learned to the point that it became difficult, and then I quit. This has been the pattern of my whole life. I mean, even with dieting, I have given up so many times when the weight hasn't fallen off easily.

And while you would think being aware of this behavior would be enough, you would be pretty wrong. Even today, I ate poorly despite today being not a cheat day. And at my workout with my personal trainer, I found myself frustrated and wanting to get up and walk out when things got tough. That's kind of my MO.

But nothing that's worth it ever comes easily, I suppose. That's something I'm slowly learning as I get older. And I have a great support system of people cheering me on (if you're reading this, you're one of those people! So thanks!). As much as I hate struggling with something, I hate letting people down even more. So I'm obviously not done.

It's just so hard to stay motivated when it seems like you're spinning your wheels and wasting your time. What do you do to get motivated? How do you all move past these roadblocks that seem to get in everyone's way from time to time? Because I've never moved past one. I usually turn and run in the other direction...


  1. hmmm. I think oddly, grad school has taught me that time is really worth waiting for. I want to start a non-profit with my new masters degree....and ordinarily, thinking it will take years to get off the ground would deter me, greatly. But, I just want a list of the 500 things I'll need to do and just check them off one by one, until it's done. No matter if it takes 2 more years.....

  2. I had a tough weigh in too... I actually gained 1 lb :( I still lost a little bit in terms of inches but gaining a pound was so disappointing! Especially bc I feel like I let "coach" down! But it gave me that much more motivation to give not only 100% but I need to give 110%!! Hang in there, look how far you've come :)

  3. Just imagine how much hotter you'll look when it's all over!! You can do this, I have faith in you. You've come so far and you're doing so well! This plateau is nothing. Stare it in the face and tell it to "back off, bitch", you're pushing through. You got this!!!

  4. Here's how I move past it - I start sliding back enough to the point that I'm disgusted and THEN I get remotivated. Hopefully more like 3 steps forward 2 steps back than 2 steps forward 3 steps back. Mind you, I don't recommend this. Just sayin'. ;-)
