Wednesday, April 11, 2012

023: Please don't confront me with my failures... I had not forgotten them.

So. Yesterday I went on facebook. And I've decided to stay on facebook. I feel like I have enough going on now where I'm not going to spend all my time on it. I had my reasons for signing on and that's all there is to it. Sure it's 6 days early, but whatever.

What was really amazing to me was some of the reactions I got. The disappointment. The negativity. It was kind of ridiculous. Let me just be clear that the whole facebook challenge was just a sidebar to a much bigger adventure that I have put myself on. If I am on facebook a week early and still eating healthy and working out and losing weight, then that is what is really important, right?

This week has sucked. Especially last night. Iw as already feeling really down. Having trouble thinking positively. There are just days where it catches up with you. Days where you feel like nothing is ever really going to change. Because it never has before.

Some of you will never know how hard this is. To deal with an addiction you can never fully be rid of. To struggle with something that, either way, makes you feel insecure and vulnerable, and frustrated. To feel trapped in your own body and feel like a failure every time you slip up on a diet and excercise regimen that I am 99 percent sure that most "normal" women couldn't keep up with if they tried. Rest assured, I do not need your negativity or your admonishment. I am harder on myself than you could ever be on me.

Some friends will kick you when you're down. But real friends pick you up when you fall.

As for today, I am going to pour all of this frustration, and all of your negativity and my own into kicking my own butt at the gym. Time to get back on track.


  1. Wow I know that feeling. Don't focus on what others think you should do or not do, this is your life. You need to do what's right for you. And I're still eating healthy and exercising so that's what matters. Slow and steady wins the race my friend! Don't let slip ups here or there take you completely off track. You can do this!! :)

    1. Thanks Becky! I dunno, I get the disappointment (since I'm a little disappointed in myself) but all I owe to this blog is being honest with everyone. It's not necessarily an invitation into taking my choices personally. While I love that everyone is reading and being supportive, to a certain degree it has nothing to do with y'all. It's my life, at the end of the day. Thanks again for the kind words!

  2. you can delete this if necessary:

    Fuck the haters.

    1. Haters gonna hate.

      I however, absolutely adore you. When I am skinny lets shop for clothes in cute stores in new york that I could never shop in before, okay?

  3. Personally, I'm glad you're on facebook. It's a good reminder for me to read your blog because I love it. haha. It's helping inspire me. :)

    1. Yay! I'm glad you're reading/inspired. I was just the other day thinking of the rad shape I'm going to be in for kickball season!

  4. So, I was thinking, cool, Jenny liked my post. WELCOME BACK to FB!!
    I agree with Shayna, FtheHaters.

    Not sure what your schedule is, but you should drag your post-gym-self over to AS220 Project Labs for some relaxing, silly talk, and knitting. There's no food there - it is a project space, and the Providence SNB peeps are fun. (And there is one other girl there doing a TOTALLY liquid diet.) Message me for more details if you want to go. I will probably head over around 6:30 (after I go to the gym myself), but we stay til somewhere between 8 and 10.

    1. What stinks is that I work until 9 during the week. HOWEVER. Next week is vacation so I am out at 5:30 and will totally go if you have it next week.

    2. We have it every week.

      ALSO, I think your post title is a really good song theme if you haven't already written it.

    3. jenny- toolazy to log inApril 11, 2012 at 9:36 AM

      I will be there!

      and its already a line in a song- "these days"by nico. :)

  5. so happy you are doing you, girl, and i am personally addicted to facebook, so you'll never hear me being upset that you are on as well. we can stalk each other. ;) lol

    1. I didnt know you blogged darlin! Let's stalk each other in person sometime soon?

  6. In the words of Miranda from Mirandasings, "Haters back off." You got this, you look fantastic, and you're inspiring so many people, myself included. Also, I love "These Days" and I have never seen The Royal Tenenbaums in full.

    1. We will absolutely be having a movie night when you get home!
