Wednesday, April 4, 2012

016: Wtf, tell me I look skinnier!

Okay out there. It has been almost three weeks. I am getting to the point where my pants dont fit me anymore and my tops/sweaters are comfortable and way way less snug. I feel great, and I can definitely see the difference in my body.

However, I don't think anyone else can?

Of course, I give people who see me on a regular basis the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes it's hard to see weight loss day to day in people, and my weight, of course, must fluxuate daily.

However, today I met a friend of mine for coffee. (Well, he had coffee, I had green tea with lemon). We sat and talked for about an hour and a half. I told him about this diet and workout regimen I've been putting so much effort into. It was great to see him but, inwardly, I felt a little disappointed.

I haven't seen this friend in three months. And, I don't know, maybe it's unrealistic at this stage of the game to say so, but I sort of felt like I was expecting a little bit of a wow, you know? Which raises a question- how long before people start noticing? And am I just noticing the changes in myself as a way of wishful thinking or whatever?

My ex-roommate chris told me a few months ago that women don't like being asked/told that they lost weight, or that they look thinner. I think Chris is probably on crack, or else the women he is referring to are. Let me tell you something guys out there: every woman, regardless of what level of fitness she is, does not mind being told they look thinner or asked if they lost weight. It is definitely not a bad thing to hear. Ever.

Anyway, I am not going to let it rattle me. After cheat day I am back on track and ready to find some new ways to work out, since hopefully that will sculpt and tone me even more. I am thinking about taking Zumba at my gym (I used to take it in new york in 08 and I loved it), and maybe try yoga or a power sculpting or kickboxing class. I am a little nervous since part of me thinks I will totallly make an ass of myself in front of a whole bunch of fitties, especially if I pass out or puke or something, which, depending on the intensity of the class, is entirely possible, but I definitely feel like I need to try something more, you know? Something drastic to speed things along a little. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not going to do anything potentially harmful, and I know I will get there eventually. Still though. I want that wow factor, and I want it now.

I've never really been a patient person.


  1. Don't get mad at me but...
    I HATE it when people tell me I look thinner or like i lost weight (especially when I haven't, or its only been a few pounds). I have one aunt in particular who says it to me every time she sees me, and I have been about the same size for at least the last 6-8 years. Here's why. In my twisted mind, I'm thinking:

    "Great, in their mind I usually look even fatter."

    I bet you do look WAY skinnier though!!
    And now that I know YOU dont mind being told so, I will be sure to do so.
    Yay for loose pants!

  2. You should try Couch to 5K! The program is 9 weeks long and you could sign up for a race at the end of the summer! Great motivation.

    I tried Zumba once, and I am the most uncoordinated person on the planet. Which is probably why I didn't go back. But, I didn't fall or trip anyone and that is the important thing.

    I don't know if your gym has anything like it, but mine has a class called Core Body Blast which is kind of like a Boot Camp thing that burns a ton of calories and also helps strengthen which would provide the toning you want to see. It's like a Round Robin exercise thing doing squats, pushups and other exercises that don't use a ton of equipment.

    Good luck!

  3. In the last 3 months I've lost 15lbs, and I've had exactly 1 person comment on it. I can totally tell in my clothing that I've lost weight but when I lost 15lbs in college it looked like a lot more. I'm not sure...I want my problem areas to disappear, not my legs to shrink a little and my face to get a little thinner.
    It will will come. I promise it will come.

  4. Hey - I'm a friend of Sarah Kundel's :) I know it's frustrating when people don't notice, but there's a general rule I've takes 4 weeks for you to notice, 8 weeks for your friends to notice and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice. Totally annoying, but I've found it to be true.

    Also, I second what Sara P said about Couch to 5K! I did that when I was losing weight and I went from barely being able to run 30 seconds to running 3 miles. It's AWESOME.

  5. It took me loosing 30lbs for my coworkers to notice if that makes you feel any better.

    And maybe I'll try the couch to 5k. I've always wanted to be able to run. If your interested maybe we can do it together?
