Sunday, April 15, 2012

027: If you want results, you've gotta do the work.

Weigh and measure time, kids!

So, as I expected, I didn't lose as much as I've lost in the last 3 weeks. However, I was just hoping to maintain and not gain. I am pleased to report that I lost 3 pounds! Also, which is both perplexing and amazing, I lost another 7.4 inches off my body. That brings the total to 23 pounds and 20.4 inches lost so far. Which is pretty good for a month, if you ask me. :) Especially when you consider that my goal was to lose 10 lbs a month, and I more than doubled that this month. You can't lose 7 pounds every week. Eventually, your body will need time to catch up.

Today Josh also asked if I would be interested in someday becoming a coach today at our meeting. I am definitely thinking about it. I don't think I know even close to enough to help someone lose weight yet, but hopefully, by the time I am 97 lbs skinnier, I will. I am learning something new every single day, so it is entirely possible.

One thing I WOULD like to learn (and again I'm going to reach out to all of you who might be reading this) is what the EFF to do to lose the paunch around my lower abs. I am watching everything else literally melt away, and this annoying like pocket of fat is just there to stay. I do upwards of 500 crunches daily. There's gotta be a six pack under there somewhere, but how do I get rid of the stuff on top? I am open to suggestions!

Yesterday night I went dress shopping with my mom. I'm officially down a dress size and then some. I got the cutest dress and sweater to wear to the bridal shower next weekend. Then I went to the carnival at the end of our street with my roommate. I spent all my money on games (rides were already closed down) and did not buy a single slushie or fried oreo. And I was pretty proud of that.

Today I get to hang out with the best little sister ever, and then go and celebrate my dad's birthday. Then starts the hellatious week from hell. Wish me luck, and expect tired/cranky entries to follow. For that, I am sorry!

And for those of you keeping track:

Week 5!!! 237 lbs
Breakfast: oreo herbalife shake w/chocolate protein
Lunch: oreo herbalife shake w/chocolate protein
Snack 1: 100 calorie bag of popcorn
Snack 2: 1 rice cake/1 plum
Dinner: 1 bowl of cheerios in 1 cup skim milk, 1 peach

Also 3 multivitamins, 2 cell activators, and 4 80z glasses of water (I am all out of green tea!)


  1. i'm so excited for you darlin! you sound like you're doing great! i won't recognize you when isee you again!

  2. Congratulations! Twenty three pounds is quite an achievement. Have you tried leg lifts for your lower abs? They are the worst but the results are amazing. Also Pilates are super helpful for pretty much any hard to exercise area.

    1. You know, they have a piloxing (pilates boxing) class at my gym, maybe I will try it. Thanks for the advice.

      (Also, I think I have figured out who you are. Mwahaha)

  3. my lower abs need work too , so if you find something good, pass it along. I've never found crunches to activate that section but mason twists help some ...

    1. What, exactly, is a mason twist? I am intrigued!

  4. I've always heard that there are abs under there, and that cardio work will bring them to the surface. it'll happen, I know you're doing your cardio :)

    1. I am for sure doing my cardio. Here's hoping that chub will melt off sometime soon!

  5. Yay Jenn!! I better get my butt in gear or you're going to pass me in pounds lost!! Lol (idk about you but a little friendly compition really motivates me. Especially when deep down you really hope nothing but the best for them and will support them whole heartily.)

    Also, I think I'll jump on the bandwagon and start a blog as well. Reading yours tonight brought me out of a really bummin mood and has made me want to vent, share and work my butt off! Thanks!

    1. Awesome! Best of luck with your weight loss and your blogging! I am usually VERY competitive, but right now I feel like my biggest competition is myself, you know? Plus, you're already 12 lbs ahead of me, no fair! ;)

  6. Awesome stats, as usual!!
    I continue to be amazed.
    Over 20 INCHES!!
    Amd a new dress in a smaller size.
    These continue to be my favorite victories, over lbs lost.
    Keep up the amazing work!

    1. Definitely. The pounds are great, but the inches are even better! Cause that means I gained muscles!

  7. FYI I love reading this every day. And I love it !

    1. Thanks Kenny! did you get in touch with Josh about herbalife, yet? Marie Laliberte is also a coach!

  8. Congrats on ur amazing weight loss Jenn!! Im catching up on ur posts them! You're gonna have to get that dress altered again, just get ready for that...same thing happened to me for my sisters wedding :) I have to comment about u being a coach...I think u would be great!!! You are doing soooo well and have such a great story to share. Once you feel more comfortable, mayb after you've lost some more weight, I think u should totally do it!! ---Marie Ps. Thanks for the shout out btw :)
