Thursday, April 12, 2012

025: popped chips and workouts and 12 hour days, oh my

So yesterday, I went home, fully intent on curling up with my cat (Lily), and watching re-runs of "How I met Your Mother", maybe taking a nap, maybe tooling around on facebook for a bit, and mostly wallowing in the fact that I felt crappy and was missing yet another day of working out.

Then, something happened. I had texted my herbalife coach, Josh, to place my order for next month. He texted me to see how it was going (apparently he does not read this blog). I texted back that this week had been really rough and I was doing my best to hang in there. He replied:

"You have already done really great so far. Every day is a new day."

And that is when I said to myself, "Self!"

I actually said it out loud. My cat was alarmed. I decided then and there that today was, in fact, a new day. So I changed, and headed out to the gym. I figured even if I only did half of my normal routine, which is about 45 minutes of intense cardio and 45 minutes of weights/resistance training, then it would be better than nothing. I did 30 minutes cardio and 30 minutes weights/resistance.

Boy oh boy did that suck.

Whoever says that working out reduces menstrual cramping is a LIAR. My middle school gym teacher used to tell me that. I will tell anyone who has not tried it before that this is a LIE. A lie that was probably made up by some crazy fitness junkie who trained so much that they had maybe .2% body fat and couldn't actually get their period anymore. Working out yesterday was a sweaty, gross, achy feeling that I pretty much hated from start to finish.

But I did it.

I was also thinking about next week. With my ridiculous 12 hour/11 hour day schedule, do you think I should just try try again at working out at night after working 12 hours (I've tried this before and I'm always exhausted and unable to really push myself to do enough of a workout) OR

And bare with me here.

Do I get up at 4am and work out before work, and THEN work 12 hours, at which point I promptly pass out for 10 hours and do it all over again? Both of these scenarios have their pros and cons. I will have more energy at 4am than at 7pm. The gym will be less crowded at 4am. But waking up that early could fuck up my sleep cycle even more than it already is. And I hate hate hate mornings. So I'm open to suggestions. How do I get my workouts in even with this insane-o work schedule? I should also point out that it's pretty important to figure this out now, since this 12 hour schedule will be my schedule all summer. Oy vey.

Oh! And I also found these really great vegan "popped" chips to snack on. They are healthier than regular chips or crackers, and they have that crunchy salty taste I crave all the time. I was pretty souped.

Week 4: 240lbs

Breakfast: herbalife cookies n cream shake w/chocolate protein in water
Lunch: 1cup cheerios in 1/2 cup skim milk, 1 peach
Snack 1: 1 serving of popchips
Snack 2: A plum
Dinner: herbalife cookies n cream shake w/chocolate protein in water

Also! 3 multivitamins, 2 green teas, 2 cell activators, and 8 80z glasses of water! (Finally drank enough water!)


  1. hmmm, tough decision. I've always been a morning gym person. I'd say the best way to know is try a week or so of each schedule and see what you like better? I don't know if you plan to work out every day, maybe schedule rest days? Plus, It's probably more likely that you can push yourself to keep working when you are tired, than push yourself to work out afterwards. Tough call. I've never been successful at either :(

  2. Don't let perfection be the enemy of progress.

    You might not feel like it was the best workout of your life, but even getting up and getting moving is a big deal. It doesn't have to be 100% or nothing. Not feeling like an all out cardio session? Go for a walk instead.

    You are doing great, and while you are busy, just fit in what you can. It's always better than nothing. :)

    1. This is amazing advice! I think I am often too hard on myself. Also, could you send me some info on that couch to 5k? I am interested, as is a friend of mine!

  3. Do you feel more energized before or after your workout? If before than perhaps night might be best and then you can have a relaxing sleep. If after, perhaps morning workouts would be best because they'd give you energy for the rest of your day. Also, anything is better than nothing. You got this! I'm proud of you!

    1. Thanks darlin! I think I am probably going to try working out after work a couple of nights this week, but I'm not totally going to sweat it, you know?

  4. You should try and optimize your workouts. My friend does this super intense 30 minute work-outs that incorporate weights and cardio, so you basically get a well-rounded, no time wasted burn. I'll have to ask him exactly what "moves", but you should be able to find something on youtube....But basically, shorter more intense work-outs is my suggestion.

    1. If this were a facebook comment, I would totally "like" it! Thanks so much Becky!

  5. Congrats in pushing yourself even on a day when u felt shitty...that's the kind of determination and will power that's gonna get you through the long haul. It's easy on the days we feel great, but so much more rewarding when you know you've really gone beyond what your old self would do :)
